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A Brief History Of Shri Herakhan Baba (1970  - 1984)

Between 1970 and 1984 Shri Herakhan Baba (Babaji) appeared and taught in the village of Herakhan, India. Though His physical appearance was that of a young boy, His wisdom was that of an old man. Babaji's physical manifestation was predicted by ancient scripture as well as by Mahendra Baba, an Indian saint who met Babaji and was devoted to Him. Mahendra Baba prepared people all over India for Babaji's return.

During the fourteen years of His appearance every person who came in contact with Babaji experienced many miracles in their lives. The biggest miracle of all was the opening of the heart.

Babaji's message to us was to live in Truth, Simplicity & Love; and, to serve humanity without expectation of reward. Babaji respected all religions and encouraged people to worship according to the religion in their heart.

Message from Babaji

A Brief History Of Shri Herakhan Baba (1970  - 1984)

Babaji gave all people the mantra  ॐ OM NAMA SHIVAYA - which translates as “God is my refuge” or “Let God’s will be done.” 

Nogah Lord met Babaji in April 1979 at His ashram in India after He appeared in her home in America. Nogah’s transformation after meeting Babaji was swift and thorough and she was guided to go to Israel and spread His message of Truth, Simplicity & Love to all who showed interest. 

She began her work in Israel by first giving lectures and then seminars, “Living In Harmony.” 

From May 1979 to the present Nogah continues writing and passing on the messages that she receives from Babaji.

To learn more about Babaji, please visit where you can learn more about Him and also download His teachings at no cost.

Message from Babaji

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Yasmin Lev
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Transformation is an exact science

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