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Guidelines for better health through nutrition

Through nutrition we receive our energy. Our goal is to receive maximum energy from the food we eat and spend minimum energy to assimilate it. To achieve this, We suggest the following guidelines:

1. It’s best to prepare food quietly with full concentration after washing your hands thoroughly before you begin. Also, you need to learn the right food combining,

for example:

Guidelines for better health through nutrition - Nogah Lord

• Don’t mix fruits and vegetables in the same meal. • Don’t eat fruits and nuts together.

• Don’t eat sweet and sour fruits together. • Don’t eat starches with proteins together.

2. Drink only purified water before eating and between meals, not during or right after meals. Avoid

eating or drinking anything too hot or too cold.

3. When eating raw and cooked food in the same meal, eat the raw food first. Also, it’s always better to eat lightly steamed vegetables than cooked or fried.

4. Bless the food before eating. Eat quietly, focus on the food. Chew the food well before swallowing.

5. If you use oil, use only cold pressed oil. Add the oil only after cooking, not while cooking.

6. Avoid fried, spicy or salty foods, especially white sugar. Gradually reduce the amount of meat, chicken, fish, dairy products and wheat (there are tasty and healthy substitutes for these items).

7. Eat light breakfast and light dinner. Your heaviest meal should be lunch. Know that it’s best not to eat before sunrise or after sunset. Our body is not designed to digest food at these times.

8. Wait at least 4 hours between meals. If there is hunger, drink pure water, do breath exercises or physical movements to get the oxygen flowing. After eating, brush teeth or rinse your mouth well.

9. One day each week give your body a rest by drinking only purified water or pure and natural juice.

Guidelines for better health through nutrition
Guidelines for better health through nutrition


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