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Peace and Ease Come When I Become Free of Negative Emotions

Peace is my true nature, but most of the time that is not what I experience. My negative emotions prevent me from feeling peace and ease. The four main emotions disturbing me are: anger, pain or sadness, resistance and fear.

1. Anger - underneath anger, there is pain or sadness, an emotion I did not allow myself to fully experience.

2. Pain - underneath pain or sadness, there is resistance and fear because of a belief that I lost or am about to lose something.

3. Resistance - underneath resistance, there is fear, an emotion I did not allow myself to fully experience.

4. Fear - underneath fear, there is a belief that I lost or am about to lose something.

Since underneath anger there is pain, pain that I did not allow myself to fully experience, in order to heal it, I must choose to experience the pain hidden behind and

Peace and Ease by Nogah Lord

underneath my anger. But, I have resistance to do that out of fear of losing something. The logical conclusion must be that fear is underneath every other negative emotion. Fear comes from my mind, and It is always about some imagined loss. Either what I imagine I lost or about to lose. My mind operates in the past, which is gone, or in the future which has not yet arrived. From this I conclude that fear cannot be real, because it is based on imagined reality. The information that comes from my body- mind is involuntary, uninvited and unintentional; it is usually false or distorted; it stems from memories of a distant past or worries about a distant future, worries that are based on distorted memories. On the other hand, my soul, who I really am, operates eternally in the present. The information I receive from my soul, either through intuition or when I intentionally ask for it, comes from my intelligence and relates to reality as it really is. From this I can conclude that my mind lives in fear and my soul lives in love. Therefore, I am always in either one of two states: when I identify myself as an ego and a body-mind, (which operate from separateness), I will be fearful. When I identify myself as a soul or an intelligence, (which operate from oneness), I will feel love. The question is with whom do I choose to identify myself and whom do I choose to obey?

But, I should remember that both fear and love are always with me. They were given to me for good reasons. Fear is there to protect me from harming or losing my body (no other fear is necessary). Love is there to protect me from harming or losing my soul, (by living an immoral life). To be free of all fear and feel only love in our hearts, is a long process, it is a journey which starts with the first step. This is what we are doing here now. The journey begins by inquiry and by studying ourselves.

I must understand and remember that my ego and mind are programmed to seek ‘pleasant’ experiences and avoid ‘unpleasant’ experiences. That is why it would benefit me to ignore my resistance to things and to choose to experience the fear hidden underneath the resistance. But to choose an unpleasant experience means choosing to suffer. However this suffering, which will be short and brief, is a small payment in comparison to the constant suffering that always accompanies me when I avoid experiencing fully my negative emotions. When I avoid fully experiencing my negative emotions, they do not disappear or dissolve, they remain and increase. Also, I must take into consideration that when I am not willing to fully feel my negative emotions I will not be able to feel fully my positive emotions. And how can I be truly alive without feeling? Another factor to consider is that my willingness to suffer by fully experiencing my negative emotions enables me to be free of them forever and return to my natural state of peace and ease.

Whenever I am under the control of my ego and body- mind, each time I get something I don’t want, or don’t get something I want, I will feel resistance or anger. And since underneath anger and resistance there is pain and fear, the mantra that would help me overcome all obstacles and become free is: “I am worthy of everything that comes my way ‘good’ or ‘bad’, because it’s all for my good; I want to experience fully every pain and fear that comes“. If I apply this mantra consistently I will discover its truth. Because this mantra is the exact opposite of what I usually hear from my ego and body- mind, it corrects my problem. As a result of repeatedly applying this mantra, the energy which was blocked, will be released, and my brain will awaken to life. Eventually I will become free of the control of my ego and body- mind and will gain complete control over them. This will automatically give me control over my destiny. Control over my destiny brings security, which brings peace and ease.

Nogah Lord


Designed by Yasmin Lev

Yasmin Lev
©2021 Copyright to Living in Harmony

Transformation is an exact science

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